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Sun, Aug 21


Sprint Planning

This ceremony helps to set up the entire team for the coming sprint, creating a smooth pathway for a successful sprint.

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Sprint Planning
Sprint Planning

Time & Location

Aug 21, 2022, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT


About the event

This ceremony helps to set up the entire team for the coming sprint, creating a smooth pathway for a successful sprint.

The candidate or campaign manager owner comes to the meeting with a prioritized list of the backlog items, which is presented to the group. The items on the list, which are also called user stories, are then discussed with the team. Together, they estimate what it will take to complete the items on the list. From this information, the team makes a sprint forecast. They will outline how much work the team can complete from the backlog. This will be known as the sprint backlog.

Some sprint planning ceremonies will flesh out details of each user story. This will make sure that everyone involved understands the scope of the work. Though, some will have a separate story refinement meeting or ceremony. By doing this, the actual sprint planning ceremony is shorter and directed only towards user stories that will be tackled in the upcoming sprint.

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